People Who Delight: Spotlight on Installation Supervisor Brent Adams

As a tenured member of our operations/installation team, Brent Adams is responsible for ensuring your space meets your expectations (and his own). With a keen eye, Brent goes into every project looking to make sure we meet our deliverables on time and budget.

Get to know more about Brent below!  

Name: Brent Adams

RJE Location: Indianapolis

How long have you been with RJE and what do you do at our company?

I have been working at RJE for over 9 years as a member of the operations team.

What led you to RJE?

I was looking for a stable job that I could grow and build a career.

What has been your favorite project so far?

It’s a tie between our showroom at RJE and a security system company called Defenders (which has some of the most unique furniture).

What is your favorite thing about working at RJE?

The different places that I get to work, such as installing the furniture at Gainbridge Fieldhouse or the IU Basketball locker room.

Describe RJE in three words

Stable, caring, and innovative

What does hugging your customer mean to you?

Hugging the customer means that we go above and beyond to put our customers’ needs first. We’re always building trust and making sure we exceed their expectations every time.

What does an inspiring space include in your eyes?

Somewhere where I can be creative, comfortable, and relaxed.

What can customers expect from working with you?

They can expect to feel at ease knowing that I will do whatever it takes to get the job done the right way.

What is your current favorite product from Allsteel and its portfolio of brands?

The Gallery Panels and all the different ways you can build a workspace.

Describe yourself in three words.

Honest, loyal, and outgoing

If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

I would write a book about all the different adventures that I’ve been on, like skydiving, cliff diving or hiking through a snowstorm.

What emoji do you use the most?

👍 The thumbs up emoji.

Favorite way to spend your free time

Hanging out with my family, riding my motorcycle, or going hunting.

Salty or sweet?

That’s a hard one, because I love gummies, but I also love spicy chips.

Favorite place you have ever been

San Juan, Puerto Rico — when we hiked through the rainforest to a waterfall.

Favorite downtown Indy spot

Favorite place downtown is Monument circle. We like to walk there every time we go to the city for an event or dinner.

Do you think you would make a good spy?

Yes! Because I am very observant.

Any personal mantra or words to live by that you follow?

Live your life to the fullest and always try your best.

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